An interview with , a buisness interview blog covering buisness lessons and advice for Authors and Enterpreneurs 


What is the overall message you are trying to share with your readers?

Clockwork stars is dystopian Sci-fi fiction but at its core its an insight into the difficulties of mental health. I hope that in putting this story out there I can bring more awareness to a subject which is still very misunderstood.

Alongside the mental health issues I wanted to convey a message of hope and never giving up in difficult times which is something we all need to be reminded of right now.

What were the top three mistakes you made writing / publishing your book what did you learn from it?

A mistake I made when publishing was not building up enough anticipation and marketing prior to my release date both through beta readers and social media.

Being my debut novel as a self publishing author, it was worth hiring professionals to help me with formatting but I wish I’d done some more research into that and contacted a few more people. I discovered ‘Fiverr’ prior to accepting an offer and I wish I’d discovered it sooner as I could probably have saved myself some money.

Despite the higher costs, part of me regrets not going down a more traditional route of publishing. Self-publishing is a great option and it was the best one for me at the time, but I could have never anticipated just how hard it would be to sell myself and my work without professional assistance.

What advice do you have for new authors who want to write and publish their first book?

The biggest advice I can give to aspiring writers is not to worry about the endgame but just to enjoy the process and thrill of writing. You can flesh out your drafts further down the line.

In the stage before publishing, do your research, explore your competition and find and promote to your market.

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