Thoughts from places- Ghostly Belmont lake

After a wander by a waterfall we decided rather than returning home, to instead go for a drive. The drive led us away from the thick lake autumn trees surrounding Rivington, their branches entangled, their leaves almost entirely fled for the winter. The drive led us to stretches of moorland. A bare and rugged landscape, through which twisted the road. The mist now hung low upon it, and an eerie atmosphere settled in. Yet it was beautiful, and we were somewhat reminded of our trip to the highlands of Scotland. As we came to Belmont, we came across a small reservoir, atop of which a wispy mist resided. The mist drifted and twisted in thick smoke-like swirls, like a spectre on the wind. It was eerie, almost horror like, just as the moorlands had been and yet it possessed the same sinister beauty. We stopped and we walked beside the reservoir, and as the raindrops began to fall, creating impressions and swirls on the water’s surface, the mist began to disperse. Th...